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About This Series

The Deutsches Wehrmacht series of Germany in the World Currency contains 7 distinct entries.
These Deutsches Wehrmacht (DWM) issues were for the use of German Armed Forces and attached personnel both within the Third Reich and in occupied territories where there was a shortage of coinage and banknotes in circulation. In order to prevent their being used in general circulation, their face value was worth 10 times when used within the Wehrmacht. The 10 reichspfennig note, for example, could thus be used to purchase goods worth 1 reichsmark within the armed forces, but only 10 reichspfenning elsewhere. None of the DWM issues carry signatures, serial numbers, or dates. All are uniface and carry the title Behelfszahlungsmittel für die Deutsche Wehrmacht (German Armed Forces Auxiliary Payment Note). They were withdrawn by the end of 1944 and replaced by the RKK Armed Forces Clearing Note issues. Care should be exercised with regard to notes carrying overstamps on the front, especially Nazi or SS insignia. These are of questionable authenticity. Since these notes circulated in so many countries, they are listed in this catalog under the occupying power, contrary to the normal practice of listing by occupied territory.

Catalog Detail

  Deutsches Wehrmacht Value Range Favorite
Deutsches Wehrmacht Value Range  
1 reichspfennig (B1301a)
1 reichspfennig (B1302a)
5 reichspfennig (B1303a)
10 reichspfennig (B1304a)
50 reichspfennig (B1305a)
1 reichsmark (B1306a)
2 reichsmark (B1307a)

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Greysheet Catalog Details

The Deutsches Wehrmacht series of Germany in the World Currency contains 7 distinct entries.
These Deutsches Wehrmacht (DWM) issues were for the use of German Armed Forces and attached personnel both within the Third Reich and in occupied territories where there was a shortage of coinage and banknotes in circulation. In order to prevent their being used in general circulation, their face value was worth 10 times when used within the Wehrmacht. The 10 reichspfennig note, for example, could thus be used to purchase goods worth 1 reichsmark within the armed forces, but only 10 reichspfenning elsewhere. None of the DWM issues carry signatures, serial numbers, or dates. All are uniface and carry the title Behelfszahlungsmittel für die Deutsche Wehrmacht (German Armed Forces Auxiliary Payment Note). They were withdrawn by the end of 1944 and replaced by the RKK Armed Forces Clearing Note issues. Care should be exercised with regard to notes carrying overstamps on the front, especially Nazi or SS insignia. These are of questionable authenticity. Since these notes circulated in so many countries, they are listed in this catalog under the occupying power, contrary to the normal practice of listing by occupied territory.

Catalog Detail