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About This Series

The Bank of Western Samoa series of Western Samoa in the World Currency contains 57 distinct entries.
On 1 January 1962, Western Samoa became independent from New Zealand administration. Partially owned by the newly independent Samoan government, the Bank of Western Samoa (BWS) was a commercial bank that carried out currency operations and foreign exchange policy on behalf of the nation.

Catalog Detail

  Bank of Western Samoa Value Range Favorite
Bank of Western Samoa Value Range  
10 shillings (B301a1)
10 shillings (B301a2)
10 shillings (B301b)
10 shillings (B301c)
10 shillings (B301cs)
1 pound (B302a)
1 pound (B302b)
1 pound (B302c)

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1 pound (B302d)
1 pound (B302s)
5 pounds (B303a)
5 pounds (B303s)
10 shillings (B304a)
10 shillings (B304b)
10 shillings (B304ap)
10 shillings (B304as1)
10 shillings (B304as2)
10 shillings (B304as3)
10 shillings (B304at)
1 pound (B305a)
1 pound (B305b)
1 pound (B305ap)
1 pound (B305as1)

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1 pound (B305as2)
1 pound (B305as3)
1 pound (B305at)
5 pounds (B306a)
5 pounds (B306b)
5 pounds (B306ap)
5 pounds (B306as1)
5 pounds (B306as2)
5 pounds (B306as3)
5 pounds (B306at)
1 tālā (B307a)
1 tālā (B307b)
1 tālā (B307c)
1 tālā (B307d)
1 tālā (B307e)

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CDN Sponsors

1 tālā (B307as)
1 tālā (B307bt)
1 tālā (B307ds)
2 tālā (B308a)
2 tālā (B308b)
2 tālā (B308c)
2 tālā (B308d)
2 tālā (B308as)
2 tālā (B308at)
2 tālā (B308cs)
10 tālā (B309a)
10 tālā (B309b)
10 tālā (B309c)
10 tālā (B309d)
10 tālā (B309e)

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CDN Sponsors

10 tālā (B309as)
10 tālā (B309at)
10 tālā (B309ct)
10 tālā (B309ds)

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Greysheet Catalog Details

The Bank of Western Samoa series of Western Samoa in the World Currency contains 57 distinct entries.
On 1 January 1962, Western Samoa became independent from New Zealand administration. Partially owned by the newly independent Samoan government, the Bank of Western Samoa (BWS) was a commercial bank that carried out currency operations and foreign exchange policy on behalf of the nation.

Catalog Detail