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Banknote Book & CPG® PRICE GUIDE

  Yu Ming Bank of Kiangsi Value Range Favorite
Yu Ming Bank of Kiangsi Value Range  
10枚 (copper coins) (B71401a)
100枚 (copper coins) (B71402a)
100枚 (copper coins) copper coins (B71402.5a)
100枚 (copper coins) copper coins (B71403a)
1分 (fen) (B71404a)
5分 (fen) (B71405a)
10 cents (B71406a)
10 cents (B71407a)

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10 cents (B71408a)
10 cents (B71409a)
20 cents (B71410a)
20 cents (B71410b)
20 cents (B71410s)
50 cents (B71411a)
50 cents (B71411b)
50 cents (B71411c)
10 cents / 毫壹 (1 hao) (B71412a)
20 cents / 貮毫 (2 hao) (B71413 a)
50 cents / 伍毫 (5 hao) (B71414a)
10 cents / 角壹 (1 hao) (B71415a)
20 cents / 貮角 (2 hao) (B71416a)
50 cents / 伍角 (5 jiao) on 伍毫 (5 hao) (B71417a)
5 cents (B71418a)

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1 yuan (B71419a)
5 yuan (B71420a)
10 yuan (B71421a)

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