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Banknote Book & CPG® PRICE GUIDE

About This Series

The Greysheet Catalog (GSID) of the Mengjiang Bank (行銀疆蒙) series of China Occupation in the World Currency contains 21 distinct entries with CPG® values between $3.50 and $1,500.00.
In November 1937, the Chanan Bank merged with two local banks, Suiyuan Bank and Liye Bank, to create the Mengjiang Bank (MJB). It began operations the following month, headquartered in Kalgan (now Zhangjiakou). None of the notes issued by the Mengjiang Bank has an English translation of the bank name, which is taken from the Chinese word for “Mongol borderland.” It appears in the SCWPM under a now obsolete roman transcription as Mengkiang Bank, and can also be found as Mengchiang Bank.

Catalog Detail

  Mengjiang Bank (行銀疆蒙) Value Range Favorite
Mengjiang Bank (行銀疆蒙) Value Range  
五分 (5 fen) (B5301a)
$15.00 - $60.00
壹角 (1 jiao = 10 fen) (B5302a)
$5.00 - $35.00
五角 (5 jiao = 50 fen) (B5303a)
$15.00 - $120.00
1 yuan (B5304a)
$9.00 - $150.00
1 yuan (B5304as)
5 yuan (B5305a)
$5.00 - $85.00
5 yuan (B5305as)
10 yuan (B5306a)
$11.00 - $45.00

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10 yuan (B5306as)
100 yuan (B5307a)
$4.50 - $70.00
100 yuan (B5307as)
角五 (5 jiao) (B5308a)
$140.00 - $1,500
角五 (5 jiao) (B5308as)
圓壹 (1 yuan) (B5309a)
$3.50 - $55.00
圓拾 (10 yuan) (B5310a)
圓拾 (10 yuan) (B5310b)
$6.00 - $140.00
圓拾 (10 yuan) (B5310c)
$6.00 - $140.00
圓拾 (10 yuan) (B5310cs)
百圓 (100 yuan) (B5311a)
$10.00 - $150.00
百圓 (100 yuan) (B5311as)
百圓 (100 yuan) (B5312a)
$12.00 - $200.00

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Greysheet Catalog Details

The Greysheet Catalog (GSID) of the Mengjiang Bank (行銀疆蒙) series of China Occupation in the World Currency contains 21 distinct entries with CPG® values between $3.50 and $1,500.00.
In November 1937, the Chanan Bank merged with two local banks, Suiyuan Bank and Liye Bank, to create the Mengjiang Bank (MJB). It began operations the following month, headquartered in Kalgan (now Zhangjiakou). None of the notes issued by the Mengjiang Bank has an English translation of the bank name, which is taken from the Chinese word for “Mongol borderland.” It appears in the SCWPM under a now obsolete roman transcription as Mengkiang Bank, and can also be found as Mengchiang Bank.

Catalog Detail