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About This Series

The Ministerul de Finanțe series of Romania in the World Currency contains 54 distinct entries.
In the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878, Romania fought on the Russian side against the Ottoman Empire. Following its victory, Romania was recognized as an independent state by the Treaty of San Stefano and the Treaty of Berlin. To pay for the costs of war, a law promulgated on 10 June 1877 authorized Romania’s Ministerul de Finanțe (Ministry of Finance, FIN) to issue up to 30 million lei’s worth of bilet hypothecar (mortgage notes) backed by state property. While technically not banknotes, they circulated as such.

Catalog Detail

  Ministerul de Finanțe Value Range Favorite
Ministerul de Finanțe Value Range  
5 lei (B101a)
5 lei (B101ar)
5 lei (B101as)
10 lei (B102a)
10 lei (B102ar)
10 lei (B102as)
20 lei (B103a)
20 lei (B103ar)

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20 lei (B103as)
50 lei (B104a)
50 lei (B104ar)
50 lei (B104as)
100 lei (B105a)
100 lei (B105ar)
100 lei (B105as)
500 lei (B106a)
500 lei (B106ar)
500 lei (B106as)
10 bani (B107a)
25 bani (B108a)
50 bani (B109a)
10 lei (B110a)
10 lei (B110ap)

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10 lei (B110as)
50 lei (B111a)
50 lei (B111ap)
50 lei (B111as)
200 lei (B112a)
200 lei (B112ap)
200 lei (B112as)
2,000 lei (B113a)
2,000 lei (B113ap)
2,000 lei (B113as)
20 lei (B114a)
100 lei (B115a)
20 lei (B116a)
20 lei (B116b)
20 lei (B116c)

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20 lei (B116d)
20 lei (B116e)
20 lei (B116f)
20 lei (B116as)
20 lei (B117a)
20 lei (B117as)
1 leu (B118a)
1 leu (B118b)
1 leu (B118bs)
3 lei (B119a)
3 lei (B119b)
3 lei (B119bs)
5 lei (B120a)
5 lei (B120b)
5 lei (B120as)

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5 lei (B120bs)

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Greysheet Catalog Details

The Ministerul de Finanțe series of Romania in the World Currency contains 54 distinct entries.
In the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878, Romania fought on the Russian side against the Ottoman Empire. Following its victory, Romania was recognized as an independent state by the Treaty of San Stefano and the Treaty of Berlin. To pay for the costs of war, a law promulgated on 10 June 1877 authorized Romania’s Ministerul de Finanțe (Ministry of Finance, FIN) to issue up to 30 million lei’s worth of bilet hypothecar (mortgage notes) backed by state property. While technically not banknotes, they circulated as such.

Catalog Detail