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  So-Called Dollars (HK800-) Value Range Favorite
So-Called Dollars (HK800-) Value Range  
1908 SC$1 Elder Dollar, 40 Cents, Silver, HK-800 MS
1908 SC$1 Elder Dollar, 40 Cents, Brass, HK-801 MS
1908 SC$1 Elder Dollar, 40 Cents, German Silver, HK-802 MS
1908 SC$1 Elder Dollar, 40 Cents, Copper, HK-802a MS
1908 SC$1 Elder Dollar, 40 Cents, Aluminum, HK-802b MS
1908 SC$1 Elder Dollar, Waterloo, Silver, HK-803 MS
1908 SC$1 Elder Dollar, Waterloo, German-Silver, HK-804 MS
1908 SC$1 Elder Dollar, Waterloo, Copper, HK-804a MS

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1908 SC$1 Elder Dollar, Waterloo, Brass, HK-804b MS
1908 SC$1 Elder Dollar, Waterloo, Aluminum, HK-804c MS
1908 SC$1 Elder Dollar, Great Commoner, Silver, HK-805 MS
1908 SC$1 Elder Dollar, Great Commoner, German-Silver, HK-806 MS
1908 SC$1 Elder Dollar, Great Commoner, Copper, HK-807 MS
1908 SC$1 Elder Dollar, Great Commoner, Brass, HK-808 MS
1908 SC$1 Elder Dollar, Great Commoner, Aluminum, HK-809 MS
1908 SC$1 Elder Dollar, Uniface, Silver, HK-810 MS
$775 - $775
1908 SC$1 Elder Dollar, Uniface, German-Silver, HK-811 MS
1908 SC$1 Elder Dollar, Uniface, Pewter, HK-812 MS
$1,250 - $1,250
1908 SC$1 Elder Dollar, Uniface, Copper, HK-812a MS
1908 SC$1 Elder Dollar, Uniface, Brass, HK-812b MS
1908 SC$1 Elder Dollar, Uniface, Aluminum, HK-812c MS
1912 SC$1 Wilson Dollar, Uniface, Silver, HK-813 MS
$2,050 - $2,500
1912 SC$1 Wilson Dollar, Uniface, German-Silver, HK-814 MS

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1912 SC$1 Wilson Dollar, Uniface, Brass, HK-815 MS
1912 SC$1 Wilson Dollar, Uniface, White Metal, HK-816 MS
1912 SC$1 Wilson Dollar, Uniface, Pewter, HK-817 MS
1912 SC$1 Wilson Dollar, Uniface, Aluminum, HK-818 MS
1912 SC$1 Wilson Dollar, Uniface, Brownish-red Fiber, HK-819 MS
1933 SC$1 Montana Dollar, Silver, HK-820 MS
$390 - $390
1933 SC$1 Nevada Dollar, Silver, HK-821 MS
$575 - $1,100
1933 SC$1 Pedley-Ryan, Ty.1, Silver, HK-822 MS
$1,300 - $1,300
1933 SC$1 Pedley-Ryan, Ty.2, Silver, HK-823 MS
$455 - $455
1933 SC$1 Pedley-Ryan, Ty.3, Silver, HK-824 MS
$100.00 - $525
1933 SC$1 Pedley-Ryan, Ty.4, Silver, HK-825 MS
$195.00 - $195.00
1933 SC$1 Pedley-Ryan, Ty.5, Silver, HK-826 MS
1933 SC$1 Pedley-Ryan, Ty.6, Silver, HK-827 MS
1933 SC$1 Pedley-Ryan, Ty.6, Robbins below, Silver, HK-827a MS
1933 SC$1 Pedley-Ryan, Ty.7, Silver, HK-828 MS
$5,500 - $8,250

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1857 SC$1 Aaron White, Copper, HK-829 MS
$575 - $575
1857 SC$1 Aaron White, Brass, HK-830 MS
1857 SC$1 Aaron White, White Metal, HK-831 MS
(Undated) SC$1 Whipple Dollar, Gilt Bronze, HK-832 MS
$260 - $650
1897 SC$1 Bickford, Aluminum w/brass center, HK-833 MS
$155.00 - $390
1897 SC$1 Bickford, Dashes, Aluminum w/bronze center, HK-834 MS
$100.00 - $210.00
1897 SC$1 Bickford, Dashes, Aluminum w/brass center, HK-835 MS
$165.00 - $455
1897 SC$1 Bickford, Grant, Aluminum w/brass center, HK-836 MS
$115.00 - $455
1897 SC$1 Bickford, Grant, Aluminum w/bronze center, HK-837 MS
1897 SC$1 Alaska, One Pinch, 16 stars, Gold, HK-838 MS
$490 - $650
1897 SC$1 Alaska, One Pinch, 13 stars, Gold, HK-838a MS
1897 SC$1 Alaska, One Pinch, Head left, Octag, 13 stars, Gold, HK-839 MS
1897 SC$1 Alaska, One Pinch, Head left, Octag, 16 stars, Gold, HK-840 MS
1898 SC$1 Alaska, One Pinch, Head left, Round, 16 stars, Gold, HK-841 MS
1898 SC$1 Alaska, One Pinch, Head left, Round, 13 stars, Gold, HK-842 MS

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1898 SC$1 Alaska, One Pinch, Head left, Octag, 13 stars, Gold, HK-843 MS
1898 SC$1 Alaska, One Pinch, Head right, Octag, 16 stars, Gold, HK-844 MS
1899 SC$1 Alaska, One Pinch, Head right, Round, 16 stars, Gold, HK-845 MS
1899 SC$1 Alaska, One Pinch, Head left, Octag, 13 stars, Gold, HK-846 MS
1899 SC$1 Alaska, One Pinch, Head right, Octag, 16 stars, Gold, HK-847 MS
1900 SC$1 Alaska, One Pinch, Head right, Octag, 16 stars, Gold, HK-848 MS
1901 SC$1 Alaska, One Pinch, Head right, Octag, 16 stars, Gold, HK-849 MS
1911 SC$1 Alaska, Parka Head left, Round, 11 stars, Gold, HK-850 MS
1911 SC$1 Alaska, Parka Head right, Round, 10 stars, Gold, HK-851 MS
(Dated 1776) SC$1 Continental Dollar Restrike, Silver, HK-852 MS
(Dated 1776) SC$1 Continental Dollar Restrike, Bashlow, Small S, Silver, HK-852a MS
$165.00 - $525
(Dated 1776) SC$1 Continental Dollar Restrike, Gold, HK-852b MS
$36,000 - $36,000
(Dated 1776) SC$1 Continental Dollar Restrike, Copper, HK-853 MS BN
$2,050 - $4,400
(Dated 1776) SC$1 Continental Dollar Restrike, Copper, HK-853 MS RB
$4,400 - $4,400
(Dated 1776) SC$1 Continental Dollar Restrike, Copper, HK-853 MS RD
(Dated 1776) SC$1 Continental Dollar Restrike, Bashlow, Bronze, HK-853a MS BN
$75.00 - $130.00
(Dated 1776) SC$1 Continental Dollar Restrike, Bashlow, Bronze, HK-853a MS RB
$90.00 - $155.00
(Dated 1776) SC$1 Continental Dollar Restrike, Bashlow, Bronze, HK-853a MS RD
$100.00 - $130.00
(Dated 1776) SC$1 Continental Dollar Restrike, 3mm thick, White Metal, HK-854 MS
$210.00 - $260

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(Dated 1776) SC$1 Continental Dollar Restrike, Bowers res, White Metal, HK-854a MS
$100.00 - $130.00
(Dated 1776) SC$1 Continental Dollar Restrike, Pewter, HK-855 MS
(Dated 1776) SC$1 Continental Dollar Restrike, Lead, HK-856 MS
(Dated 1776) SC$1 Continental Dollar Restrike, Bashlow, Goldline, HK-856a MS
$80.00 - $155.00
(Dated 1776) SC$1 Continental Dollar, Confederation, Copper, HK-857 MS
(Dated 1776) SC$1 Continental Dollar, Confederation, Brass, HK-858 MS
$650 - $850
(Dated 1776) SC$1 Continental Dollar, Confederation, German-Silver, HK-859 MS
(Dated 1776) SC$1 Continental Dollar, Confederation, White Metal, HK-860 MS
(Dated 1776) SC$1 Continental Dollar, Confederation, Silver, HK-860a MS
(Dated 1776) SC$1 Continental Dollar, Confederation, Aluminum, HK-860b MS
(Dated 1776) SC$1 Continental Dollar, Confederation, Lead, HK-860c MS
(Dated 1776) SC$1 Continental Dollar, Confederation, White Metal, HK-860d MS
(Dated 1776) SC$1 Continental Dollar, Dickeson, Uniface, Brass, HK-861 MS
(Dated 1776) SC$1 Continental Dollar, Dickeson, Uniface, German-Silver, HK-862 MS
(Dated 1776) SC$1 Continental Dollar, Dickeson, Uniface, Copper, HK-862a MS

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(Dated 1776) SC$1 Continental Dollar, Dickeson, Uniface, Aluminum, HK-862b MS
May 10, 1775 SC$1 Perseverarando, White Metal, HK-863 MS
May 10, 1775 SC$1 Perseverarando, Copper, HK-863a MS
Nov 29, 1775 SC$1 Perseverarando, White Metal, HK-863b MS
Nov 29, 1775 SC$1 Perseverarando, Copper, HK-863c MS
1775 SC$1 Eagle & Heron, Cirq rev, Copper, HK-864 MS BN
1775 SC$1 Eagle & Heron, Cirq rev, Copper, HK-864 MS RB
1775 SC$1 Eagle & Heron, Cirq rev, Copper, HK-864 MS RD
Nov 29, 1775 SC$1 Eagle & Heron, Legend rev, White Metal, HK-865 MS
Nov 29, 1775 SC$1 Eagle & Heron, Legend rev, Copper, HK-865b MS
May 10, 1775 SC$1 Eagle & Heron, Legend rev, Copper, HK-865a MS
May 10, 1775 SC$1 Eagle & Heron, Legend rev, White Metal, HK-865c MS
May 10, 1775 SC$1 Eagle & Heron, Perseverado obv, Legend rev, Copper, HK-865d MS
(Dated 1778) SC$1 Confedration, White Metal, HK-866 MS
(Dated 1778) SC$1 Confedration, Bronze, HK-866a MS
(Dated 1778) SC$1 Confedration, Perseverando, Copper, HK-866b MS
(Dated 1778) SC$1 Confedration, Eagle, White Metal, HK-866c MS

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1933 SC$1 Century of Progress, Ty.1, Silver, HK-867 MS
1933 SC$1 Century of Progress, Ty.2, Silver, HK-868 MS
$260 - $260
1933 SC$1 Century of Progress, Ty.3, Silver, HK-869 MS
$180.00 - $260
1933 SC$1 Century of Progress, Ty.4, Silver, HK-870 MS
$260 - $490
1946 SC$1 United Nations, Silver, HK-871 MS
$525 - $950
1946 SC$1 United Nations, Bronze, HK-872 MS
$295 - $295
1946 SC$1 United Nations, Gold (single thickness), HK-873 MS
1946 SC$1 United Nations, Gold (dbl thickness), HK-873a MS
1946 SC$1 United Nations, Gold (triple thickness), HK-873b MS
1946 SC$1 United Nations, Gold (quad thickness), HK-873c MS
1946 SC$1 United Nations, Platinum (single thickness), HK-873d MS
1946 SC$1 United Nations, Platinum (dbl thickness), HK-873e MS
1946 SC$1 United Nations, Aluminum, HK-873f MS
1946 SC$1 United Nations, Aluminum-Bronze, HK-873g MS
1946 SC$1 United Nations, Brass, HK-873h MS

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1946 SC$1 United Nations, Copper-Nickel, HK-873i MS
1946 SC$1 United Nations, Nickel, HK-873j MS
1946 SC$1 United Nations, Steel, HK-873k MS
1946 SC$1 United Nations, Zinc, HK-873l MS
(1861) SC$1 Loyal National League, Silver, HK-874 MS
$725 - $725
(1861) SC$1 Loyal National League, Copper, HK-875 MS BN
(1861) SC$1 Loyal National League, Copper, HK-875 MS RB
(1861) SC$1 Loyal National League, Copper, HK-875 MS RD
(1861) SC$1 Loyal National League, White Metal, HK-875a MS
1905 SC$1 Denver Mint Open, Bronze, HK-876 MS BN
$325 - $1,750
1905 SC$1 Denver Mint Open, Bronze, HK-876 MS RB
$1,200 - $2,500
1905 SC$1 Denver Mint Open, Bronze, HK-876 MS RD
$1,550 - $3,250
1905 SC$1 Denver Mint Open, Silver, HK-876a MS
1917 SC$1 Elder, Confederation rev, Copper, HK-877 MS
1917 SC$1 Elder, Confederation rev, Brass, HK-877a MS
1917 SC$1 Elder, Confederation rev, Nickel, HK-877b MS
1917 SC$1 Elder, Confederation rev, Lead, HK-877c MS
1917 SC$1 Elder, Confederation rev, Browish Red Fiber, HK-877d MS
1917 SC$1 Elder, Confederation rev, White Metal, HK-878 MS

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1917 SC$1 Elder, Confederation rev, Aluminum, HK-879 MS
1917 SC$1 Elder, 13 lines rev, Silver, HK-880 MS
1917 SC$1 Elder, 13 lines rev, Copper, HK-881 MS
1917 SC$1 Elder, 13 lines rev, Brass, HK-882 MS
1917 SC$1 Elder, 13 lines rev, Nickel, HK-883 MS
1917 SC$1 Elder, 13 lines rev, White Metal, HK-884 MS
1917 SC$1 Elder, 13 lines rev, Aluminum, HK-885 MS
1917 SC$1 Elder, 13 lines rev, Brownish-red Fiber, HK-886 MS
1917 SC$1 Elder, 8 lines obv, Confed rev, Silver, HK-887 MS
1917 SC$1 Elder, 8 lines obv, Confed rev, Brass, HK-888 MS
1917 SC$1 Elder, 8 lines obv, Confed rev, White Metal, HK-889 MS
1917 SC$1 Elder, 8 lines obv, Confed rev, Aluminum, HK-890 MS
1917 SC$1 Elder, 8 lines obv, Confed rev, Brownish-red Fiber, HK-891 MS
1917 SC$1 Elder, 8 lines obv, Confed rev, Copper, HK-891a MS BN
1917 SC$1 Elder, 8 lines obv, Confed rev, Copper, HK-891a MS RB
1917 SC$1 Elder, 8 lines obv, Confed rev, Copper, HK-891a MS RD
1917 SC$1 Elder, 8 lines obv, Confed rev, Nickel, HK-891b MS

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1917 SC$1 Elder, 8 lines obv, Confed rev, Lead, HK-891c MS
1917 SC$1 WWI Good Luck, Ty.1, Bronze, HK-892 MS
1917 SC$1 WWI Good Luck, Ty.1, Brass, HK-893 MS
1917 SC$1 WWI Good Luck, Ty.1, White Metal, HK-894 MS
1917 SC$1 WWI Good Luck, Ty.2, Golden Bronze, HK-895 MS
1918 SC$1 WWI Peace, Ty.1, 6 lines rev, Brass, HK-896 MS
$80.00 - $215.00
1918 SC$1 WWI Peace, Ty.1, 8 lines rev, Brass, HK-896a MS
1918 SC$1 WWI Peace, Ty.2, 6 lines rev, Brass, HK-897 MS
1918 SC$1 WWI Peace, Ty.2, 8 lines rev, Brass, HK-897a MS
1918 SC$1 WWI Peace, Ty.3, Silver, HK-898 MS
1918 SC$1 WWI Peace, Ty.3, Bronze, HK-899 MS
1918 SC$1 WWI Peace, Ty.4, Antiqued Copper, HK-900 MS
1919-20 SC$1 WWI Victory, Official, Bronze, HK-901 MS
1919-20 SC$1 WWI Victory, Official, Copper, HK-902 MS
1919 SC$1 WWI Saviours of Victory, Bronze, HK-903 MS

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1917 SC$1 WWI Res Officer Camp, Bronze, HK-904 MS
1918 SC$1 Swift & Co, Ty.1, Aluminum, HK-905 MS
1918 SC$1 Swift & Co, Ty.2, Aluminum, HK-906 MS
1919 SC$1 Swift & Co, Ty.3, Aluminum, HK-907 MS
1919 SC$1 Swift & Co, Ty.4, Aluminum, HK-907a MS
1922 SC$1 KKK, Ty.2, Nickel, HK-909 MS
1945 SC$1 WWII Victory, Official, Bronze, HK-910 MS
1945 SC$1 WWII Four Freedoms Victory, Ox Silver, HK-911 MS
1945 SC$1 WWII Four Freedoms Victory, Ox Bronze, HK-912 MS BN
$90.00 - $90.00
1945 SC$1 WWII Four Freedoms Victory, Ox Bronze, HK-912 MS RB
1945 SC$1 WWII Four Freedoms Victory, Ox Bronze, HK-912 MS RD
1945 SC$1 WWII Four Freedoms Victory, Gilt, HK-913 MS
$70.00 - $180.00
1948 SC$1 UN Pledge, Gilt, HK-914 MS
1948 SC$1 UN Pledge, No Arrow rev, Gilt, HK-914a MS
1948 SC$1 UN Pledge, Aluminum, HK-915 MS
1948 SC$1 UN Pledge, No Arrow rev, Aluminum, HK-915a MS
(1951,53) SC$1 God & Freedom, Silver, HK-916 MS

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(1951,53) SC$1 God & Freedom, Copper, HK-917 MS
1826 SC$1 Erie Canal, Silver, HK-1000 SP
$5,750 - $7,500
1826 SC$1 Erie Canal, Gold, HK-1001 MS
$72,000 - $72,000
1826 SC$1 Semicentennial, Brass, HK-1002 MS
1873 SC$1 San Fran Mint Coining Press, Silver, HK-1003 MS
1873 SC$1 San Fran Mint Coining Press, Copper, HK-1003a MS
1875 SC$1 Lexington Centennial, Gold, HK-1004 PR
1892-3 SC$1 Columbian Expo, Bust Obv, Colo Bldg Rev, Silver, HK-1006 MS
1897 SC$1 Bickford, Grant, Bronze w/aluminum center, HK-1007 MS
1897 SC$1 Bickford, Grant, Silver w/gold center, HK-1008 MS
1897 SC$1 Bickford, Grant, Circles rev, Silver w/gold center, HK-1009 MS
1897 SC$1 Utah 50th Anniv, Aluminum, HK-1009a MS
1912 SC$1 Wilson Dollar, Thats All, Silver, HK-1022 MS
1912 SC$1 Wilson Dollar, Thats All, Brass, HK-1023 MS
1912 SC$1 Wilson Dollar, Thats All, White Metal, HK-1024 MS

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1912 SC$1 Wilson Dollar, Thats All, German-Silver, HK-1025 MS
1912 SC$1 Wilson Dollar, Thats All, Pewter, HK-1026 MS
1912 SC$1 Wilson Dollar, Thats All, Aluminum, HK-1027 MS
1912 SC$1 Wilson Dollar, Thats All, Fiber, HK-1028 MS
1914 SC$1 Panama Canal, Gold, HK-1029 MS

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