CSNS Honors Dennis Tucker With 2024 Q. David Bowers Award
The Central States Numismatic Society will present its annual Q. David Bowers Award this year to the recently- retired Whitman publisher.
(Schaumburg, Illinois) March 6, 2024 — The Central States Numismatic Society (www.CSNS.org) will present its annual Q. David Bowers Award this year to acclaimed numismatic publisher and award-winning author Dennis Tucker who recently retired from Whitman Publishing.
The CSNS Bowers Award recognizes the contributions made by numismatic professionals in the hobby.
“During his 19 years at Whitman, Dennis oversaw the publication of more than 300 titles of monographs and reference books. These included the 100 Greatest coins series and the annual, iconic A Guide Book of United States Coins, known for generations simply as the Red Book,” said CSNS President Mitch Ernst.
“During his tenure, more than six million Red Book copies were sold; an astounding achievement to advance hobby knowledge and enjoyment,” Ernst stated.
Recipients of the Bowers Award, named after the prominent dealer and esteemed numismatic author Q. David Bowers, are selected by members of the Central States Numismatic Society Board of Directors. The 2024 award will be presented to Tucker during the 2024 CSNS convention in the Chicago suburb of Schaumburg, Illinois, May 2-4.
“I appreciate and value this honor from Central States for several reasons. First of all, the award is named for one of my greatest mentors and role models not only in numismatics, but in business and life in general. I’ve read Dave Bowers’s books since I was a kid, and I’m proud to have been his publisher for nearly twenty years,” said Tucker.
“Second, I’m flattered that it puts me in the league of previous honorees John Dannreuther, Beth Deisher, Charmy Harker, John Highfill, Larry Shepherd, and Rick Snow, all of whom I respect and admire as innovative numismatic professionals. Third, it comes from an important organization in our community, and I’m grateful for recognition from my CSNS peers,” added Tucker.
“Fourth, it inspires me to continue ‘onward and upward,’ as Dave Bowers always says. If I’ve had a lifetime of achievement, I owe thanks to thousands of people who have helped me on my way, and I hope my career can inspire others to make their own unique and significant mark on the hobby,” emphasized Tucker.
The presentation of the Bowers Award will be made during the annual CSNS membership meeting at 8:00 am, Saturday, May 4, and presented by Tucker’s long-time friend Barbara Gregory, Editor of the CSNS magazine The Centinel.
For additional information about the Central States Numismatic Society and its annual convention, visit www.CSNS.org.

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Source: C S N S Convention

The Central States Numismatic Society, founded in 1939, is one of the larger numismatic organizations in the United States with membership fluctuating around 2,000. CSNS, as it is known informally, operates in a 13 state Midwestern region but membership is open to residents of all states and foreign countries.
States in the region are Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota and Wisconsin.
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