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Greysheet Catalog Details

The Greysheet Catalog (GSID) of the United States Assay Office of Gold series of Pioneer & Territorial Gold in the U.S. Coins contains 4 distinct entries with CPG® values between $7,190.00 and $528,000.00.
The firm of Moffat & Co. was dissolved in 1852 and a newly reorganized company known as the United States Assay Office of Gold took over the contract. Principals were Curtis, Perry, and Ward.

Catalog Detail

  United States Assay Office of Gold Value Range Favorite
United States Assay Office of Gold Value Range  
1852 G$10 U.S. Assay Office, First Reverse, K-12 MS
1852 G$10 U.S. Assay Office, Second Reverse, K-12a MS
$7,190 - $57,600
1852 G$50 U.S. Assay Office, 887 THOUS, K-13 MS
$21,600 - $180,000
1852 G$50 U.S. Assay Office, 900 THOUS, K-14 MS
$28,800 - $528,000

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Greysheet Catalog Details

The Greysheet Catalog (GSID) of the United States Assay Office of Gold series of Pioneer & Territorial Gold in the U.S. Coins contains 4 distinct entries with CPG® values between $7,190.00 and $528,000.00.
The firm of Moffat & Co. was dissolved in 1852 and a newly reorganized company known as the United States Assay Office of Gold took over the contract. Principals were Curtis, Perry, and Ward.

Catalog Detail