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Greysheet & CPG® PRICE GUIDE

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  Isle of Man Value Range Favorite
Isle of Man Value Range  
2003 1 Pe AA die letters MS
2003 1 Pe AB die letters MS
2003 1 Pe AC die letters MS
2003 1 Pe AD die letters MS
2003 1 Pe AE die letters MS
2003 2 Pe AA die letters MS
2003 2 Pe AF die letters MS
2003 5 Pe AA die letters MS

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2003 5 Pe AB die letters MS
2003 5 Pe AD die letters MS
2003 10 Pe AA die letters; PM on left side MS
2003 10 Pe AA die letters; PM on right side MS
2003 20 Pe AA die letters MS
2003 20 Pe AB die letters MS
2003 20 Pe BA die letters MS
2003 1 Cr MS
2003 1 Cr MS
2003 1 Cr MS
2003 1 Cr Proof PR
2003 1 Cr Proof PR
2003 1 Cr Proof PR
2003 1 Cr MS
2003 1 Cr proof PR

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CDN Sponsors

2003 1 Cr proof PR
2003 1 Cr proof PR
2003 1 Cr proof PR
2003 1 Cr Proof PR
2003 1 Cr MS
2003 1 Cr MS
2003 1 Cr proof PR
2003 1 Cr multicoloured MS
2003 1 Cr MS
2003 1 Cr Proof PR
2003 1 Cr MS
2003 1 Cr MS
2003 1 Cr MS
2003 1 Cr MS
2003 50 Pe Die letters AA MS

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CDN Sponsors

2003 50 Pe MS
2003 60 Pe MS
2003 £1 Die letters AA MS
2003 £1 Die letters BA MS
2003 £2 Die letters: AA MS
2003 £2 Die letters: AB MS
2003 £5 MS
2003 1⁄ An PR
2003 1⁄ An Candy privy mark; Proof PR
2003 1⁄ An Proof PR
2003 ⅒ An PR
2003 ⅒ An Proof PR
2003 ¼ An PR
2003 ¼ An Proof PR
2003 1 An PR

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2003 1 An Proof PR
2003 1⁄ Cr MS
2003 1⁄ Cr Proof PR
2003 ⅕ Cr Proof PR
2003 ⅕ Cr UNC PR
2003 1 Cr Pobjoy Mint MS
2003 1 Cr MS